Online Consulting Services


I have heard many people talking about "getting some projects done around the house," so I wanted to offer up a different type of service - Remodeling/DIY/Project Planning/Design/etc. Consulting. This is what I have been doing for most of my life, and my company Classic Craftsmen, LLC, will not be doing much on-site work since we primarily work in people's houses. SO this could be a huge win/win, and something I have wanted to do for years. Why not take this opportunity to do something to your home, build a table, attempt to lay tile, add a bathroom, build a chicken coop, maybe a detached office? How about a climbing wall? or just fixing that broken window pane? I have a lifetime of experience in this stuff and want to share. Most importantly, I want people to know how to do this stuff right (not how the TV yahoos do it, who don't even know how to wear a tool belt). I am offering phone consultations, design work, renderings, planning, ordering, scheduling, the whole nine yards. If you have something you have been dying to do, I can even draw you plans, order the materials, and have them delivered to your house. Then I am there to Zoom, Facetime, Chat, or talk you through your project. I even have lined up my subcontractors (electricians/HVAC/plumbing/tile/painting) to be on hand for advice. The time is now to tackle a project, get some satisfaction from doing it yourself, but all while having access to all the time/money/and frustration saving tips. There will be a fee for a lot of this, but it will be way less than if you hired anyone else to do it, plus you get to learn something, better your home, and I can even teach you how to do it with your kids to make it fun, interesting, safe, and something that will build pride in your home and family. There really are no better memories than building and making things together. Let me know if you are interested, and I look forward to working with you!! #supportsmallbusiness#buildsomething#youcandoit#prideofdoingityourself

Paul Stavovy